Thursday, June 7, 2012

Black June

We only said good-bye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to black

It's a damp cold June. I decided to celebrate June with six black balloons.
With no time to grief, I keep walking, keep walking with my black balloons... 
And letting them go one by one, just like how I decided to let go the sorrow I have been carried for the past ten years.

Black is my colour. Some said I have a witchery look, some said I am a emo queen.
The Satan never stop trying to disturb me as he sees potential in me...potential in bringing a great harm to my loved ones. Instead of losing myself to evilness, I am practicing God's words whenever I faced turbulent in my life.

Lately I am haunted by my boyfriend's pasts. 
It took him great courage to confess all his sins to me, afraid that I might judge him and lost my temper.
Thank God he is no more the person he used to be, he is now a valiant man.
But honey, can you please confess everything in one time, instead of throwing a bomb to me every now and then as my heart is as fragile as a glass?

To keep your dark secret underneath your heart forever or to make yourself vulnerable in telling the truth? 
You will feel the true revolution, if you choose to spill the black potion. 

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